Our group specializes in physics-based computational modeling/simulations of fluid flows involving multiscale/multiphysics phenomena, focusing on (but not limited to) multiphase flows, turbulent flows, and fluid-structure interaction. We also develop robust numerical methods and use tools such as artificial intelligence and high-performance computing. Applications include propulsion, energy, aerospace design, chemical and bioengineering, environmental flows, climate change, and many more.
We hope to become the global epicenter for computational fluids research in the upcoming years!
Atomization and Sprays
- Physics of primary and secondary breakup
Liquid jet atomization in swirling cross flow
Interfacial flow modeling
High-fidelity simulation of ECN Spray A
(Refs: Jain, JCP, 2022; Hwang & Jain, JCP, 2024)
Droplet-laden compressible isotropic turbulence
- Diffuse-interface modeling for two-phase flows
- Robust numerical methods for incompressible and compressible flows
- Unstructured grid formulations for complex geometries
Scalars and surfactant transport
- Numerical modeling of transport of passive and active scalars
- Scalars represent charged ions in two-phase electrochemical systems, surfactants, dissolved salts, and CO2 in the ocean
Scalar transport in a turbulent channel flow laden with drops
Breaking waves and CO2 dissolution
Particle-laden flows
Particle clustering in the log-layer of a turbulent channel flow
(Ref: West et al., IJMF, 2024)
Particle-laden isotropic turbulence
- Physics of turbulence modulation by particles
- A.I. models for prediction of particle clustering in turbulence
- Correction methods for disturbance created by particles in two-way coupled flows
Aerodynamics, ice accretion, and flow over rough walls
- Wall-modeled LES of complex aircraft geometries with ice accretion
- Near wall modeling for LES of flow over rough walls
Droplet impact on a three-element airfoil
(Ref: Jain et al., SAE, 2023)
Flow over NACA23012 airfoil at 5° angle of attack with horn ice
(Ref: Bornhoft & Jain et al., 2023)
Fluid-Solid and Solid-Solid interactions
Collision of two hyperelastic solids in a Taylor-Green vortex
Richtmyer-Meshkov instability of Copper-Aluminum materials
- Eulerian modeling of fluid-solid and solid-solid interactions
- Highly deformable bodies
- Turbulent flow over compliant surfaces
- marine energy harvesting
Compressible flows, shocks, and turbulence
- LES of compressible turbulence
- Low-dissipative shock-capturing methods
Isotropic turbulence with shocklets
(Ref: Jain et al., PRF, 2024)
Scientific computing
Frontier supercomputer
Quantum computer
(Ref: Griffin & Jain et al., 2019)
- High-performance computing
- Machine learning for fluids
- Quantum computing for fluids