Link to Google Scholar and ResearchGate profiles.
Bold denotes lab members.
preprints, in preparation, under review
- Jain, S, S; Elnahhas, A, ‘Stationary states of forced two-phase turbulence’, arXiv
- Nathan, P; Jain, S, S, ‘Accurate calculation of bubble and droplet properties in diffuse-interface two-phase simulations’, arXiv
- Bornhoft, B; Jain, S, S; Bose, S; Moin, P, ‘On the use of artificial ice shapes for LES in aircraft icing’, Under review
- Bornhoft, B; Jain, S, S; Moin, P, ‘A velocity transformation for rough-wall-bounded turbulent flows’, Under review
- Jain, S, S; Liao, Y, ‘Flow-induced breakup of drops and bubbles’, Under review
- Maurel-Oujia, T; Jain, S, S; Matsuda, K; Schneider, K; West, J; Maeda, K, ‘Neural network models for preferential concentration of particles in two-dimensional turbulence’ Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2024 (DOI)
- Jain, S, S, ‘A model for transport of interface-confined scalars and insoluble surfactants in two-phase flows’, Journal of Computational Physics, 515, 113277, 2024 (DOI)
- Hwang, H; Jain, S, S, ‘A robust phase-field method for two-phase flows on unstructured grids’, Journal of Computational Physics, 507, 112972, 2024 (DOI)
- Jain, S, S; Agrawal, R; Moin, P, ‘Stable, entropy-consistent, and a localized artificial-diffusivity method for capturing discontinuities’, Physical Review Fluids, 9, 024609, 2024 (DOI)
- Bornhoft, B; Jain, S, S; Goc, K; Bose, S, T; Moin, P, ‘Large-eddy simulations of the NACA23012 airfoil with laser-scanned ice shapes’, Aerospace Science and Technology, 146, 108957, 2024. (DOI)
- West, J; Maurel-Oujia, T; Matsuda, K; Schneider, K; Jain, S, S; Maeda, K, ‘Clustering, rotation, and swirl of inertial particles in turbulent channel flow’, International Journal of Multiphase Flows, 174, 104764, 2024. (DOI)
- Keane, N; Apte, S; Jain, S, S; Khanwale, M, ‘Effect of interpolation kernels and grid refinement on two way–coupled point-particle simulations’, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 166, 104517, 2023. (DOI)
- Jain, S, S; Adler, M; West, J; Mani, A; Moin, P; Lele, S, ‘Assessment of diffuse-interface methods for compressible multiphase fluid flows and elastic-plastic deformation in solids’, Journal of Computational Physics, 475, 111866, 2023. (DOI)
- Jain, S, S; Mani, A, ‘A computational model for transport of immiscible scalars in two-phase flows’, Journal of Computational Physics, 476, 111843, 2023. (DOI)
- Chan, W, H, R; Jain, S, S; Hwang, H; Naveh, A; Abarzhi, S, I, ‘Theory and simulations of linear and nonlinear two-dimensional Rayleigh-Taylor dynamics with variable acceleration’, Physics of Fluids, 2023. (DOI)
- Jain, S, S, ‘Accurate conservative phase-field method for simulation of two-phase flows’, Journal of Computational Physics, 469, 111529, 2022. (DOI)
- Jain, S, S; Moin, P, ‘A kinetic energy–and entropy-preserving scheme for compressible two-phase flows’, Journal of Computational Physics, 464, 111307, 2022. (DOI)
- Mirjalili, S; Jain, S, S; Mani, A, ‘A computational model for interfacial heat and mass transfer in two-phase flows using a phase field method’, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 197, 123326, 2022. (DOI)
- Hwang, H; Chan, W, H, R; Jain, S, S; Abarzhi, S, I, ‘Scale-dependent Rayleigh-Taylor dynamics with variable acceleration in a finite-sized domain for three-dimensional flows’, Physics of Fluids, 33, 092108, 2021. (DOI)
- Jain, S, S; Mani, A; Moin, P, ‘A conservative diffuse-interface method for compressible two-phase flows’, Journal of Computational Physics, 418, 109606, 2020. (DOI)
- Jain, S, S; Tyagi, N; Prakash, R, S; Ravikrishna, R, V; Tomar, G, ‘Secondary breakup of drops at moderate Weber numbers: Effect of density ratio and Reynolds number’, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 117, pp. 25-41, 2019. (DOI)
- Jain, S, S; Kamrin, K; Mani, A, ‘A conservative and non-dissipative Eulerian formulation for the simulation of soft solids in fluids’, Journal of Computational Physics, 117, pp. 25-41, 2019. (DOI)
- Rosti, M, E; Ge, Z; Jain, S, S; Dodd, M, S; Brandt, L, ‘Droplets in homogeneous shear turbulence’, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 876, pp. 962-984, 2019. (DOI)
- Prakash, R, S*; Jain, S, S*; Ravikrishna, R, V; Raghunandhan, B, N; Tomar, G, ‘Detailed numerical simulations of atomization of a liquid jet in swirling-gas crossflow’, Atomization and Sprays, 29, pp. 1-27, 2019. (DOI)
- Chan, R; Mirjalili, S; Jain, S, S; Urzay, J; Mani, A; Moin, P, ‘Birth of microbubbles in turbulent breaking waves’, Physical Review Fluids, 4, 100508, 2019. (DOI)