
Our group maintains these in-house CFD solvers:

  1. ExaFlow
    • An exascale-capable in-house flow solver
      • original version developed by Dr. Jain
      • currently developed and maintained by FPCS group members (Luis, Anirban, and others)
      • written in C++
    • Capabilities:
      • single-phase and two-phase flows
      • incompressible and compressible flows
      • direct numerical simulation and large-eddy simulation of turbulent flows
      • multiphysics phenomena, such as, scalar transport, surfactant transport, electrostatics, electrokinetics, fluid-solid interactions, elastic-plastic deformation in solids
      • non-Newtonian fluids (under development)
      • reacting flows (under development)
      • handles complex geometries (under development)
    • Numerical methods:
      • low-dissipation numerics
      • kinetic energy–and entropy-preserving schemes
    • Scalability:
      • Scales well to over 200K CPU cores on Mira & Theta supercomputers (now decommissioned)
      • Scales well to over O(10K) GPUs on Frontier supercomputer.
  2. charLES-M
    • An in-house Voronoi grid-based unstructured grid multiphase solver capable of large-scale simulations of flow over complex geometries.
    • This is developed on top of the charLES framework (by Cascade Technologies).
    • The current in-house version of the code employs low-dissipation numerics to simulate:
      • particle-laden flows on GPUs (tested on Lassen and Summit supercomputers).
      • incompressible two-phase flows on CPUs (tested on quartz supercomputer).

Currently, these two solvers are not open-source.

For more codes, see Suhas’s Github page or the FPCS Lab Github page.

We also use and modify open-source codes like Basilisk and OpenFOAM.