These technical reports are peer-reviewed.
Lab members are displayed in bold.
- Hatashita, L, H; Tonicello, N; Jain, S, S ‘Energy transfer mechanisms in compressible two-phase turbulent flows‘, Center for Turbulence Research, Proceedings of the Summer Program, 2024.
- Wang, J; Laurent, C; Jain, S, S; Hu, H ‘A machine learning model for prediction of water film runback flows for aircraft icing applications‘, Center for Turbulence Research, Proceedings of the Summer Program, 2024.
- Huang, Z; Mirjalili, S; Khanwale, M; Jain, S, S; Johnsen, E ‘Investigation of Phase-Field models in compressible multiphase flows in a unified high-order and bound-preserving framework‘, Center for Turbulence Research, Proceedings of the Summer Program, 2024.
- Long, D; Mukherjee, A; Salimi, S; Brown, L; Collis, H; Mirjalili, S; Jain, S, S; Brandt, L; Schulze-Netzer, C ‘Diffuse-interface modeling of multiphase, multicomponent flows with phase change in the nondilute limit: application to melting and devolatilization of plastics‘, Center for Turbulence Research, Proceedings of the Summer Program, 2024.
- Bellosta, S; Donizetti, A; Zabaleta, F; Bornhoft, B; Jain, S, S; Bose, S, T; Guardone, A ‘Assessing relevant roughness scales for accurate prediction of iced airfoil aerodynamics‘, Center for Turbulence Research, Proceedings of the Summer Program, 2024.
- Zabaleta, F; Bornhoft, B; Jain, S, S; Bose, S, T; Moin, P ‘Large-eddy simulations of heat transfer from iced surfaces‘, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs, 2024.
- Jain, S, S; Elnahhas, A ‘Stationary states of forced two-phase turbulence’, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs, 2023. (Report)
- Jain, S, S ‘Modeling soluble surfactants in two-phase flows’, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs, 2023. (Report)
- Bornhoft, B; Jain, S, S; Moin, P ‘A velocity transformation for rough-wall-bounded turbulent flows’, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs, 2023. (Report)
- Bornhoft, B; Jain, S, S; Goc, K; Bose, S, T; Moin, P ‘Wall-modeled LES of laser-scanned rime, glaze, and horn ice shapes’, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs, 2022. (Report)
- Hwang, H; Jain, S, S, ‘A phase-field method for simulations of two-phase flows on unstructured grids’, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs, 2022. (Report)
- Jain, S, S; Mani, A, ‘Modeling interface-confined scalars and insoluble surfactants in two-phase flows’, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs, 2022. (Report)
- Collis, H; Mirjalili, S; Jain, S, S; Mani, A, ‘Assessment of WENO and TENO schemes for the four equation- compressible two-phase flow model with regularization terms’, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs, 2022. (Report)
- Vartdal, M; Jain, S, S, ‘Improving volume-averaged particle-laden flow models using resolved simulations of particle diffusers’, Center for Turbulence Research, Proceedings of the Summer Program, 2022. (Report)
- Oujia, T; Jain, S, S; Matsuda, K; Schneider, K; West, J; Maeda, K, ‘Neural networks for synthesizing preferential concentration of particles in isotropic turbulence’, Center for Turbulence Research, Proceedings of the Summer Program, 2022. (Report)
- Apte, S, V; Keane, N; Jain, S, S; Khanwale, M, A, ‘Effect of interpolation kernels and grid refinement on two way–coupled point-particle simulations’, Center for Turbulence Research, Proceedings of the Summer Program, 2022. (Report)
- Scapin, N; Shahmardi, A; Chan, W, H, R; Jain, S, S; Mirjalili, S; Pelanti, M; Brandt, L, ‘A mass-conserving pressure-based method for two-phase flows with phase change’, Center for Turbulence Research, Proceedings of the Summer Program, 2022. (Report)
- West, J; Oujia, T; Matsuda, K; Schneider, K; Jain, S, S; Maeda, K, ‘Divergence and curl of the inertial particle velocity in a four-way coupled turbulent channel flow’, Center for Turbulence Research, Proceedings of the Summer Program, 2022. (Report)
- Santos, I, D; Mahato, B; Bornhoft, B; Jain, S, S; Yaghoobian, N, ‘Lagrangian subgrid-scale modeling applied to evolving firebrand particle transport, Center for Turbulence Research, Proceedings of the Summer Program, 2022. (Report)
- Chan, W, H, R; Hara, K; Wang, J, M; Jain, S, S; Mirjalili, S; Boyd, I, D, ‘Spectral analysis of multidimensional current-driven plasma instabilities and turbulence in hollow cathode plumes’, Center for Turbulence Research, Proceedings of the Summer Program, 2022. (Report)
- Matsuda, K; Schneider, K; Oujia, T; West, J; Jain, S, S; Maeda, K, ‘Multiresolution analysis of inertial particle tessellations for clustering dynamics’, Center for Turbulence Research, Proceedings of the Summer Program, 2022. (Report)
- Jain, S, S, ‘Accurate conservative phase-field method for simulation of two-phase flows’, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs, 2021. (Report)
- Jain, S, S, Moin, P, ‘Stable, entropy-consistent, and localized artificial-viscosity method for capturing shocks and contact discontinuities’, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs, 2021. (Report)
- Jain, S, S, Song, E, Hwang, H, Moin, P, ‘Continuum numerical modeling of rarefied flows with slip-wall boundary conditions’, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs, 2021. (Report)
- Jain, S, S, Moin, P, ‘A kinetic energy–and entropy-preserving scheme for the simulation of compressible two-phase turbulent flows’, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs, 2020. (Report)
- Mirjalili, S, Jain, S, S, Mani, A, ‘Modeling heat and mass transfer across interfaces in two-phase flows using phase-field methods’, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs, 2020. (Report)
- Adler, M, C, Jain, S, S, West, J, R, Mani, A, Lele, S, K, ‘Diffuse-interface capturing methods for compressible multiphase fluid flows and elastic-plastic deformation in solids: Part I. Methods’, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs, 2020. (Report)
- Jain, S, S, Adler, M, C, West, J, R, Mani, A, Lele, S, K, ‘Diffuse-interface capturing methods for compressible multiphase fluid flows and elastic-plastic deformation in solids: Part II. Results and discussion’, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs, 2020. (Report)
- Hwang, H, Chan, W, H, R, Jain, S, S, Abarzhi, S, I, ‘Linear two-dimensional Rayleigh-Taylor dynamics with variable acceleration: Comparisons between theory and simulations’, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs, 2020. (Report)
- Jain, S, S, Mani, A, ‘Scalar transport modeling for two-phase flows with a diffuse-interface method’, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs, 2019. (Report)
- Griffin, K, P, Jain, S, S, Flint, T, J, Chan, W, H, R, ‘Investigation of quantum algorithms for direct numerical simulation of the Navier-Stokes equations’, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs, 2019. (Report)
- Jain, S, S, Mani, A, Moin, P, ‘A conservative diffuse-interface method for the simulation of compressible two-phase flows with turbulence and acoustics’, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs, 2018. (Report)
- Rosti, M, E, Ge, Z, Jain, S, S, Dodd, M, S, Brandt, L, ‘Emulsions in homogeneous shear turbulence’, Center for Turbulence Research, Proceedings of the Summer Program, 2018. (Report)
- Jain, S, S, Mani, A, ‘An incompressible Eulerian formulation for soft solids in fluids’, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs, 2017. (Report)
- Mirjalili, S*, Jain, S, S*, Dodd, M*, ‘Interface-capturing methods for two-phase flows: An overview and recent developments’, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs, 2017. (Report)
Course reports
- ME346B: Molecular simulations (Spring 2018-19) – Molecular dynamics study of two-phase flows. (Report)
- ME451B: Flow instability (Autumn 2018-19) – Inviscid stability analysis of parallel bubbly flows. (Report) (Presentation)
- AA201A: Acoustics (Spring 2017-18) – Modeling the sound generated by underwater bubbles. (Report)
- ME461: Advanced turbulence (Autumn 2017-18) – A priori testing of subgrid-scale models for a two-phase turbulent flow: Droplets in Homogeneous-Isotropic Turbulence. (Report)
- ME469: CFD (Winter 2016-17) – Solution of the 2D Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations on a Moving Voronoi Mesh. (Report)